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class pub Buffer

A type that represents a bunch of bytes to process using a lexer.



let pub @bytes: ref ByteArray

The bytes that are to be turned into a token stream.


let pub @offset: Int

The current byte offset.

Static methods


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fn pub static new(bytes: ref ByteArray) -> Buffer {
  Buffer(bytes: bytes, offset: 0)
fn pub static new(bytes: ref ByteArray) -> Buffer

Returns a new Buffer that wraps the given ByteArray.

Instance methods


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fn pub mut advance_while(condition: fn (Int) -> Bool) {
  while @offset < @bytes.size and {
    @offset += 1
fn pub mut advance_while(condition: fn (Int) -> Bool)

Advances the cursor while the given closure returns true.


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fn pub get -> Int {
fn pub get -> Int

Returns the byte at the current byte offset.


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fn pub peek(amount: Int) -> Int {
  let idx = @offset + amount

  if idx < @bytes.size { @bytes.byte(idx) } else { EOF }
fn pub peek(amount: Int) -> Int

Returns the byte that is at amount bytes relative to the current offset.

If the offset is out of range, the EOF byte is returned.


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fn pub size -> Int {
fn pub size -> Int

Returns the total number of bytes in the buffer.


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fn pub slice(start: Int, size: Int) -> String {
  @bytes.slice(start, size).into_string
fn pub slice(start: Int, size: Int) -> String

Slices the buffer into a substring.


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fn pub token(kind: TokenKind, start: Int) -> Token {, value: slice(start, @offset - start))
fn pub token(kind: TokenKind, start: Int) -> Token

Returns a new token starting at the given offset that ranges until the current offset.