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class pub Keywords

A type to efficiently check if certain words are keywords.

This type only supports keywords with a minimum size of two bytes. Input smaller than two bytes is never treated as a keyword.

Static methods


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fn pub static new(keywords: ref Array[String]) -> Keywords {
  let words =
  let first = ByteArray.filled(with: 0, times: 255)
  let second = ByteArray.filled(with: 0, times: 255) (w) { w.size >= 2 }).each(fn (word) {
    let bytes = word.to_byte_array

    first.set(bytes.get(0), 1)
    second.set(bytes.get(1), 1)

  Keywords(words: words, first: first, second: second)
fn pub static new(keywords: ref Array[String]) -> Keywords

Returns a new Keywords populated using the list of keywords.


import syntax (Keywords)['fn', 'class', 'async'])

Instance methods


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fn pub contains_range?(bytes: ref ByteArray, at: Int, size: Int) -> Bool {
  size >= 2
    and @first.get(bytes.get(at)) == 1
    and @second.get(bytes.get(at + 1)) == 1
    and @words.contains?(bytes.slice(at, size))
fn pub contains_range?(bytes: ref ByteArray, at: Int, size: Int) -> Bool

Returns true if the range of bytes in bytes is a valid keyword.

In the best case scenario, this method doesn't perform any allocations (e.g. the first two bytes don't match any known keywords). In the worst case it slices bytes into a subslice and compares that to the known list of keywords.

The bytes argument is a ByteArray (e.g. a reusable buffer) to check.

The at and size arguments specify the index to bytes and the number of bytes to check respectively.


This method panics if at or at + size is not within the bounds of bytes.


import syntax (Keywords)

let kw =['class', 'async', 'fn'])
let input = 'class'.to_byte_array

kw.contains_range?(input, at: 0, size: input.size) # => true