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type pub enum PageError

An error that may be produced when parsing a Markdown document.



Io(Path, Error)

An IO operation (such as reading the Markdown file) failed.

The arguments of this case are:

  1. The path of the file that couldn't be parsed
  2. The IO error that occurred


FrontMatter(Path, FrontMatterError)

The JSON front matter is invalid.

The arguments of this case are:

  1. The path of the file that couldn't be parsed
  2. The error produced while parsing the front matter.


Markdown(Path, String)

The Markdown is invalid.

The arguments of this case are:

  1. The path of the file that couldn't be parsed
  2. An error message produced while parsing the Markdown

Instance methods


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fn pub to_string -> String {
  match self {
    case Io(p, e) -> 'failed to read ${p}: ${e}'
    case FrontMatter(p, InvalidJson(m)) -> {
      'failed to parse the front matter of ${p}: ${m}'
    case FrontMatter(p, m) -> 'failed to parse the front matter of ${p}: ${m}'
    case Markdown(p, v) -> 'failed to parse the Markdown of ${p}: ${v}'
fn pub to_string -> String

Converts self to a String.

Implemented traits



impl ToString for PageError