type pub SyntaxHighlight
A filter that applies syntax highlighting to a Markdown document.
This filter processes fenced code blocks that are tagged with a language, such as the following:
Syntax highlighting is performed using inko-syntax.
Static methods
Show source codeHide source code
fn pub static new -> SyntaxHighlight {
fn pub static new -> SyntaxHighlight
Instance methods
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fn pub mut run(document: mut html.Document) {
let nodes = document.nodes.iter_mut.to_array
loop {
match nodes.pop {
case Some(Element(el)) if el.name == 'pre' and el.nodes.size == 1 -> {
case Some(Element(el)) -> nodes.append(el.nodes.iter_mut.to_array)
case Some(_) -> {}
case _ -> break
fn pub mut run(document: mut Document)
Transforms the HTML document.
How or what exactly this method does is up to the type that implements this trait. Examples include adding IDs to headings, generating a table of contents, or replacing one element with another.
Implemented traits
impl Filter for SyntaxHighlight