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fn pub parse_date(string: String) -> Option[DateTime] {
  if string.size < 10 { return Option.None }

      year: try parse_number(string, start: 0, size: 4),
      month: try parse_number(string, start: 5, size: 2),
      day: try parse_number(string, start: 8, size: 2),
      hour: parse_number(string, start: 11, size: 2).or(0),
      minute: parse_number(string, start: 14, size: 2).or(0),
      second: parse_number(string, start: 17, size: 2).or(0),
      sub_second: 0.0,
      utc_offset: 0,
fn pub static parse_date(string: String) -> Option[DateTime]

Parses a DateTime from a String.

The expected format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. The year, month, and day are required, but the rest is optional.


If the input is invalid, an Option.None is returned.


import wobsite.time (parse_date)

parse_date('2024-01-02T13:14:15:Z') # => Option.Some(DateTime(year: 2024, month: 1, day: 2, hour: 13, minute: 14, second: 15, sub_second: 0.0, utc_offset: 0))