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fn pub relative_to_absolute(
  current: String,
  url: String,
  as_file: Bool,
) -> String {
  let steps = url.split('/').take_while(fn (v) { v == '..' }).count
  let mut pending = steps + as_file.to_int
  let chunks = current.split('/').to_array

  while pending > 0 {
    pending -= 1

  let base = String.join(chunks.into_iter, '/')
  let rel = String.join(url.split('/').skip(steps), '/')

fn pub static relative_to_absolute(current: String, url: String, as_file: Bool) -> String

Converts a relative URL to an absolute URL, based on the current/source URL of the document that links to the relative URL.

The current argument specifies the URL of the document we are linking from, while url specifies the relative URL linked to.

If as_file is set to true, the last component of the target URL is treated as if it were a file instead of a directory. This affects how many times we have to move "up" in the returned relative URL.